Freshsicle is made up of 10 letters — making it a desirable short name. It’s an engrossing company name that is a super premium brand.
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Freshsicle.com is made up of 10 letters — making it a desirable short name. It’s an engrossing company name that is a super premium brand.
Xyindia is a visionary name for a forward-thinking Indian start-up. Xyindia is easy to spell and pronounce. We like the name because it has a fresh and clean ring to it. Of course, Xyindia.com is included in the purchase purchase price. This is an unrivaled company name for a tech or other growth obsessed company.
BeefyJerky is a distinguished start-up name that has a vibrant and exotic sound. BeefyJerky is a catchy, fun and dynamic name for a start-up in home, cooking, drying, dehydrating. Our testing has demonstrated very positive reaction to this brand name in India and the United States.
aBenchmark a fresh, hardworking brand name. We developed the name by mixing (a) and (benchmark). This is a fascinating start-up name that can be used in the fastest growing industries. A great choice for a growing firm in India.